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Greetings to the World of Blogging!

Published August 23, 2015 by RAFrants

I have always loved writing. 
When we were four, my sister and I would write letters to our mom and we would correct our grammatical errors. The person with the least errors (who was often I) would get praises from our mom.

Then, I lost my love for writing.

In elementary school, I came with the conclusion that Mathematics is more important than English/Filipino/Writing because my teacher would just put a check and stamp excellent on my essays rather than grading them.


That is what my parents taught me. I remember always thinking out of the box when it comes to projects, intermission numbers, essays, and crafts but one day, this Filipino teacher (whom I really loved) harshly criticized my idea. With what happened, I became scared of rejection that was why I would only recite when I was sure of my answers.

Another Rejection.

My mom bought a house, therefore, I transferred in another school. I personally chose this school because I thought it was an Italian school similar to my old school. I was wrong. The language we speak inside the school was strictly English only. The school I was in before this school has three languages: Italian, English, and Tagalog. I was heartbroken but I immediately moved on. Months later, I was bullied. The reason why I got bullied was I rejected the ‘King’ of that school. Months before the bullying, the teacher required us to write our everyday lives in a diary. My diary was full of lies. I would write that I had an amazing day in class but the truth was that I cannot wait for the classes to end. I hated writing because I have always had hated lying.

I got addicted to Asian Dramas!

My saving grace was Asian dramas. I would watch a 16-episode drama with one hour per episode in one sitting and go to class the next day. I have always been an achiever but I have to admit that my grades declined because of my addiction BUT I gained back confidence and love for writing. YAY!

Why am I in WordPress?

I love writing. I have written many stories, the first story I have written has atleast 3,000 reads and is actually found on the internet but my other written works are stored in my laptop and personal computer. I stopped writing because I got busy. The reason why I am writing now is because of a special project. My instructor required the class to write a blog about our thoughts and experiences during our exercises. To tell you the truth, I was extremely excited at first because I know that my skills are already rusty and I really need to sharpen it BUT I remember that I have HUMANITIES 2: ART, MAN AND SOCIETY also known as the subject that gophers down the students’ time, I immediately wished the ground to open up and eat me.

I hope you like my introduction 🙂