I do not know that I know Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)!

Published November 13, 2015 by RAFrants

After Exercise 9- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Sir Jason taught us how to use or code using the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)!

Honestly, before this exercise, I had no idea what CSS is but what shocked me was that I have been using CSS since I was 12 years old! No, no, no I am not a genius!

To elaborate further, I love playing online community games back then, it all started with my addiction to MILLSBERRY in 2007 then to NEOPETS from 2007-2010 to Pokemon Deluge to AdventureQuest to Marapets from 2008-2014 because I got banned for using multiple accounts ( I ashamed of what I did! ).

It was Marapets that taught me to use CSS but I kind of cheated because I do it with the help of online generators; the one I have been using is MaraHTML. In Marapets, there is a thing called CLUB. I became a club owner before that was why I created a layout for my club in order to attract members of course.

Attached below is an example of a club layout: (Photo not mine)

Back to the CSS exercise, actually I had an exam in a minor subject and a musical reduction in HUM 2 before my IT1 Lab class, so I was already exhausted. I am embarrassed to say this but I learnt only few things that day ( I am also sleep-deprived that time thanks to HUM 2) so I was really wishing the class to end soon!

So we had this exercise wherein we have to include our schedule, I just want to laugh at what I have done. This exercise is the most embarrassing exercise I have performed/answered in my IT1 Lab life, I do not think that I have even gotten a half-score for it because I am not even half-way in completing my schedule! I am just so embarrassed!

You can ask me to do 10 club layouts but never ever ask me to do even one schedule! I quit! Hahahah I hate schedules!

Marapets has been my number one priority until 2014– the year I got banned. Actually, it happened on October 28, 2014 11PM PHT. I logged in my main account which is actually my older sister’s account (teamvibe01) because my first account (MaraNetwork) was banned in 2010 for unknown reasons! It has really pissed me off because I did nothing wrong, I even message the admins but they ignored me. My love for Marapets was outstanding that I begged my sister to give me her account. I made the account very rich that I became a member of an elite club wherein only people with high amount of money, have completed some goals, and have own limited edition pets can enter! I love Marapets that I have gotten addicted with it like how guys have gotten addicted to DoTA! Yeap, I play the boring game for atleast 12 hours a day including weekdays! I am already okay with what happened because with it, I became focused with my studies!

Hope you liked my blog! Thank you for reading!

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