Question for the WEAK: Fourth Episode

Published September 26, 2015 by RAFrants

“What can you say with Vice President Jejomar Binay’s visit in UPLB?”

Honestly, when I first heard the news that the vice president is visiting the campus, I was not amazed nor have gotten excited. My high school classmates have even asked me about him but I replied with no interest at all. It is not because I abhor the vice president but it is because I know some of his people and they have been lecturing me of his works. I have to tell you though, I was once amazed with VP Binay that I have even wished him to be the next president but one day, I watched a heated debate on television about him and his works; I have immediately changed my side.

Before I forget, I just want to share that VP Binay actually talked to some students before going on the stage. He talked to my roommate and pointed at her shirt and said, “Uy! Peyups (their term for UP) din ako!” (Hey! I am also from UP!).

So, what can I say with VP’s performance during his visit?

I am actually having a hard time composing what to say with his visit because I did not attend the forum but I have ideas with what happened for UPLB Perspective tweeted the students’ questions and the VP’s answers. During our IT Laboratory, my instructor read tweets about what was happening, I have to say the the anger in me was ignited.I was so angry that he kept on blaming the government when HE and his daughter, who does not even know what she is supposed to do, are part of the government.

Credits to owner

                credits to PeyupiMemes

  I was so angry with VP Binay’s answers. I was so angry with how he had handled the questions about Agrarian reform, he seemed to not know what is happening with the country that students have made memes about his famous line, “Hindi ko talaga alam yan, pero okay yan.” (I really do not know that but that’s okay.)

Credits to Jesie Castro

Weeks passed by, I thought deeply about what happened on VP’s forum. I realized that isko’s and iska’s were too harsh with him. Of course, people will say that ‘it’s okay to be harsh for we have the right to be harsh to him since he’s running for presidency’ but I disagree. I know that VP Binay have sinned but he is still a person, he will feel down and extremely lonely with what happened. Yeah, it’s his choice to enter the hard and hurtful route but at the end of the day, he is still a person.

Credits to owner (from Overheard at UP)

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