Hell Yeah! I can fix my COMPUTER!

Published September 26, 2015 by RAFrants

Credits: The Big Wedding

I enjoyed this week’s exercise so much!


Years ago, I have read this blog (I can no longer find it) about a big family wherein the children at certain age (I think it’s 14) were given disassembled computers by the parents. They give their children disassembled things so that they value the things around them and know how they work. At age 18, they are given broken car for him/her to repair. The day I read that blog was the day I vowed to myself to disassemble and assemble cheap things I bought and received (and safe looking).

I enrolled to this course thinking that I will only learn how to code, it never crossed my mind that I will learn how to assemble the system unit. I am so happy about it. I was so engrossed with what my instructor was teaching that I have so many questions in my mind that I do not want to ask out loud for I was afraid to be labelled ‘stupid’. I was and still am amazed to know that there is a battery clock inside the system unit! I am still amazed that PC Cases actually differ, it just never crossed my mind.

Did you know that there is such thing as ‘Benchmarking’ in computers?

The reason why I ask you this is because it is very important in buying computers.

Benchmarking is the act of running computer programs in order to assess the performance of an object. Unclear? Here’s how Sir Jason Obrero, our instructor, explained it:


If your CPU packaging ISP tells you that your CPU Internet connection has this speed,

and according to your benchmark http://speedtest.net that it is below that

speed, I think you did not get what your money’s worth.

I also learned about the Graphics Processor! I have always thought that Apple (A5X) computers are the best because of their display. I love the vibrant colors, little did I know that it is because of Apple’s retina! I never thought that NVIDIA would be the best Graphics Processor because I saw its logo on my mother’s laptop. I thought NVIDIA is for professional work not gaming!

I was amazed with everything but what amazed me the most was the “Liquid Cooling System” for PCs. I am a 9Gag user, I kept on seeing “Gamer’s porn” which are customized system unit. I thought those tubes are light not liquid! I was so amazed.

Here are examples of gamer’s porn”

credits: lifehacker @ youtube

credits: nvidia

credits: domstechblog.com

I was not me the past weeks. I was so down due to school stuff but last week’s activity of assembling and knowing the parts of the system unit cheered me up so much. The reason why I did not update for two weeks (I guess) was I forgot my password for wordpress and my UP account! I still cannot retrieve my account for the latter.

We were actually given time to update our blog in the laboratory, I did not update mine. I forgot my password for WordPress, when I was to retrieve it using my mail, when I logged in, it asked for the code it sent to my old and lost cellphone number. Yeah, imagine my despair.

I was down but someone lifted me up.

Yes, I am in love.

Credits: jaredeuriarte.tumblr.com

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