
All posts for the month September, 2015

Hell Yeah! I can fix my COMPUTER!

Published September 26, 2015 by RAFrants

Credits: The Big Wedding

I enjoyed this week’s exercise so much!


Years ago, I have read this blog (I can no longer find it) about a big family wherein the children at certain age (I think it’s 14) were given disassembled computers by the parents. They give their children disassembled things so that they value the things around them and know how they work. At age 18, they are given broken car for him/her to repair. The day I read that blog was the day I vowed to myself to disassemble and assemble cheap things I bought and received (and safe looking).

I enrolled to this course thinking that I will only learn how to code, it never crossed my mind that I will learn how to assemble the system unit. I am so happy about it. I was so engrossed with what my instructor was teaching that I have so many questions in my mind that I do not want to ask out loud for I was afraid to be labelled ‘stupid’. I was and still am amazed to know that there is a battery clock inside the system unit! I am still amazed that PC Cases actually differ, it just never crossed my mind.

Did you know that there is such thing as ‘Benchmarking’ in computers?

The reason why I ask you this is because it is very important in buying computers.

Benchmarking is the act of running computer programs in order to assess the performance of an object. Unclear? Here’s how Sir Jason Obrero, our instructor, explained it:


If your CPU packaging ISP tells you that your CPU Internet connection has this speed,

and according to your benchmark that it is below that

speed, I think you did not get what your money’s worth.

I also learned about the Graphics Processor! I have always thought that Apple (A5X) computers are the best because of their display. I love the vibrant colors, little did I know that it is because of Apple’s retina! I never thought that NVIDIA would be the best Graphics Processor because I saw its logo on my mother’s laptop. I thought NVIDIA is for professional work not gaming!

I was amazed with everything but what amazed me the most was the “Liquid Cooling System” for PCs. I am a 9Gag user, I kept on seeing “Gamer’s porn” which are customized system unit. I thought those tubes are light not liquid! I was so amazed.

Here are examples of gamer’s porn”

credits: lifehacker @ youtube

credits: nvidia


I was not me the past weeks. I was so down due to school stuff but last week’s activity of assembling and knowing the parts of the system unit cheered me up so much. The reason why I did not update for two weeks (I guess) was I forgot my password for wordpress and my UP account! I still cannot retrieve my account for the latter.

We were actually given time to update our blog in the laboratory, I did not update mine. I forgot my password for WordPress, when I was to retrieve it using my mail, when I logged in, it asked for the code it sent to my old and lost cellphone number. Yeah, imagine my despair.

I was down but someone lifted me up.

Yes, I am in love.


Question for the WEAK: Fourth Episode

Published September 26, 2015 by RAFrants

“What can you say with Vice President Jejomar Binay’s visit in UPLB?”

Honestly, when I first heard the news that the vice president is visiting the campus, I was not amazed nor have gotten excited. My high school classmates have even asked me about him but I replied with no interest at all. It is not because I abhor the vice president but it is because I know some of his people and they have been lecturing me of his works. I have to tell you though, I was once amazed with VP Binay that I have even wished him to be the next president but one day, I watched a heated debate on television about him and his works; I have immediately changed my side.

Before I forget, I just want to share that VP Binay actually talked to some students before going on the stage. He talked to my roommate and pointed at her shirt and said, “Uy! Peyups (their term for UP) din ako!” (Hey! I am also from UP!).

So, what can I say with VP’s performance during his visit?

I am actually having a hard time composing what to say with his visit because I did not attend the forum but I have ideas with what happened for UPLB Perspective tweeted the students’ questions and the VP’s answers. During our IT Laboratory, my instructor read tweets about what was happening, I have to say the the anger in me was ignited.I was so angry that he kept on blaming the government when HE and his daughter, who does not even know what she is supposed to do, are part of the government.

Credits to owner

                credits to PeyupiMemes

  I was so angry with VP Binay’s answers. I was so angry with how he had handled the questions about Agrarian reform, he seemed to not know what is happening with the country that students have made memes about his famous line, “Hindi ko talaga alam yan, pero okay yan.” (I really do not know that but that’s okay.)

Credits to Jesie Castro

Weeks passed by, I thought deeply about what happened on VP’s forum. I realized that isko’s and iska’s were too harsh with him. Of course, people will say that ‘it’s okay to be harsh for we have the right to be harsh to him since he’s running for presidency’ but I disagree. I know that VP Binay have sinned but he is still a person, he will feel down and extremely lonely with what happened. Yeah, it’s his choice to enter the hard and hurtful route but at the end of the day, he is still a person.

Credits to owner (from Overheard at UP)

Boolean Algebra: AWESOME!

Published September 6, 2015 by RAFrants


I enjoyed last week’s discussion very much. 

Well, I actually enjoyed my Tuesday last week because I had no HUM 2! Hooray!

Don’t get me wrong, I love HUM 2 but I am not in the mood to do crafts. Hey, I have hard subjects this semester ( I am looking glaring at you, Veterinary Botany!) and I don’t want HUM 2 to ruin me.

I immediately went to my dormitory after knowing that we have no classes and studied the Number Systems and Binary Arithmetic for I felt that we will be having quiz that day– I was not wrong but our instructor moved the quiz to next week because he forgot to inform us that there will be a quiz. So, he discussed Boolean Algebra.

I immediately fell in love with Boolean Algebra because I diligently studied the Truth Table for 12 hours for the second examination in Philo 1 when I was a New Freshman. I was so focused with the lesson, then Sir (our instructor) drew the Logic Gates!  Something immediately flicked on my mind so I quickly turned my head to Pat Odrada to check whether or not we have the same thing on our minds, disappointed, I turned my head to the computer then I noticed Carlo Alburo giggling! We have the same thing on our minds!



Hey, I can suppress my laughter but someone is laughing beside me! Laughter is contagious huh! I think Carlo and I were laughing for two minutes. We then stopped, then, Sir discussed X nand Y wherein if both X and Y are 1, XY (X nand Y) is 0. I have already calmed myself, then Sir drew the structure and he mentioned “Cherry on top”! Carlo and I immediately broke into laughter. To make it more embarrassing, Carlo and I are seated in the front center so we are very noticeable, I actually wonder what Sir thought of us. (Sir! How were Carlo and I during that time? 🙂 )

After a few minutes, our instructor then discussed the Logic Functions.

Truth Table is a pre-requisite of Logic Functions. 1.) Gather all rows when the output is = 1; 2.) Use the ‘not’ form if zero, use as normal otherwise; 3.) Connect all terms using ‘or’.


Credits: giphy–the incredibles

I hated “Proving” in high school. I actually paid my way to pass Geometry while I barely passed Trigonometry. To clarify ‘paid my way’, my classmate was a representative of our section, in order for her to move to the next round, she must accumulate more money than the other participants. So during quizzes, our teacher will say ‘plus 10 if you donate 10 pesos while plus 20 if you donate 20 or more’, of course I donated 20 pesos twice for the two quizzes we had and I passed Geometry!

 Then, STAT 1 happened. I actually enjoyed Proving. I realized Proving was actually easy that I have learned to love it. During the IT 1 exercise, I was shocked with myself because I got the question on number 1 on my first try. I was so happy!  For number 2, I had a hard time but I think I got it, then Sir came back inside to tell us that he has given us the wrong data. I want to try to answer it but I had a hard time doing the De Morgan’s of the last number and after many tries, I think I got the correct answer– I actually had hard time drawing the structure because that time was the first time I studied Boolean Algebra.

I enjoyed my week, how about you?

Question for the WEAK: Third Episode

Published September 6, 2015 by RAFrants

“Ano ang balak mo pagka-graduate mo?” 

(What do you want to do after you graduate?)


Credits: Ainur Najwa — We Heart It

I have always wanted to travel. I love meeting and talking to new people. I love knowing their culture. I love eating foreign foods. I love foreign languages. I am just very curious with everything.

Well, actually travelling by myself is the second thing I wanted to achieve after graduation. The first one is to travel with my mom to a place I think she will enjoy.

So back to travelling by myself, I actually made a list of countries I want to visit when I was in high school, here they are:

3. Italia 


Isn’t she beautiful? I really love Italy. I love the food, streets, language, the people, their culture, just EVERYTHING! I think it is because I grew up with Italian nuns and I loved them so dearly. I have envisioned myself marrying an Italian guy but as I grew up, I realized Filipinos are more awesome!

2. Paris

From: picZ.Ge

Actually, I fell in love with the Eiffel Tower when I was younger but I outgrown it as I grew older. Recently, I read this amazing book (Anna and the French Kiss)  and I fell in love with Paris once again– well I fell in love with Etienne St. Clair!   Anna and the French Kiss actually introduced me to many things I want to do– one of them is to visit Point zero des routes de France.

From: pinterest

1. Greece


I love Greece! My love for Greece started 7 years ago after watching the Filipino film, For the First Time, starring Richard Gutierrez and KC Concepcion. My love for Greece did not even falter as I grew older. In high school, we studied Greece and I aced all the quizzes and projects about the country. Before going to UP, I know more of Greece than I know the Philippines. I am so in love with Greece that I planned on living in Greece after I earned money. I love Greek Mythology, Thessaloniki, Santorini, the food, and the people. I have not actually met a Greek but I think I will love him or her immediately. I love everything about Greece except for two things: 1. Corruption and; 2. They believe that they are much higher than other races because of their past discoveries and their amazing mythology– but I cannot blame them, I would too if I were a Greek. Greeks actually prefer marrying Greeks that is why I do not get my hopes up when it comes to Greek guys 😦 .

It may be impossible but I will go to these three places two months after graduation!

What about you? What are your plans after graduation?